Monthly Archives: June 2011

The Adventures of Bump in London

A couple of weeks ago, Bump and I with Daddy had a weekend away in London. Bump was quite busy while it was there as you can see from these photos. šŸ™‚

In the picture above, I am wearing a fabulous Pandora maternity/breastfeeding top from City Lush Mummy. Their clothes are fantastic and make you look amazing unlike some maternity clothes on the market. I will be doing a more detailed post about them in the future and how their clothes have transformed me into a Lush Mummy! šŸ™‚

Weeks 20-21: Seeing My Baby Again!

Last week, it was my 20 week scan. I had been looking forward to this scan for a while as Bump would look more likeĀ a baby, as opposed to peanut on the first scan at 11 weeks. As you can see from the scan picture above, Bump is doing acrobatics already. It is trying to put its toe into its mouth.Ā  I love how you can see facial features. I wonder whose nose it has?

We decided not to find out the gender of Bump as we would like the surprise. We are not that fussed as long as it is happy and healthy. Everything was fine with Bump at the scan except my placenta is bit low so I need another scan at 36 weeks just to make sure it has moved. It is apparently quite common and it should move as my uterus grows with the baby but it is reassuring that they are checking.

Bump Watch: 19 weeks and 7 days!

Bump and I in Whitby 20th June 2011 (My birthday too!) šŸ™‚

Silent Sunday 19th June 2011

Week 19: Nearly Halfway!

Over the last week or so, Bump and I have been very busy. We went to London for a weekend away with Daddy (Stuart) and we went to the Prepped Cookbook Launch in Northampton. The photo below is Bump and I outside Buckingham Palace and the photo above is Bump and I with Vanessa Kimbell, the author of Prepped.Ā  The dress I am wearing in the photo above is from Lush Mummy who are a fantastic company that sell clothes that do not make pregnant women feel fat or frumpy. I absolutely love the dress. I would wear it even if I was not pregnant.Ā  It makes me feel amazing. I got lots of lovely comments about it at the launch too. I finally feel that I have got to the ‘blooming’ stage in pregnancy. I am loving it! šŸ™‚

I will go into more detail about our London trip in another post or two soon. Bump was very busy having adventures while we were there.Ā  I cannot believe that I am nearly halfway through my pregnancy. It is going so quick.Ā  Next week, we are going to look at a nursery for Bump, have our 20 week scan done and see the midwife again. I am really looking forward to seeing and getting a new scan picture. I cannot wait to see what Bump looks like. I am also getting some movement at long last too. It feels like I am being tickled from the inside. Its an amazing feeling. šŸ™‚

Bump and I are going to the BBC Summer Good Food Show on Saturday and we are going to watch the BTCC at Croft on Sunday too. Its my birthday on Monday as well. Another busy weekend!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad’s and Dad’s to be out there! šŸ™‚

The Gallery: Daddy!

This is my fiancĆ© and partner of 7 years at the end of October, Stuart. On or around November 8th this year, he will become a Dad for the first time.Ā  I would to thank him for all his love and support so far, especially since I became pregnant. You will be a fantastic father and I cannot wait to make you a Dad and meet Bump for the first time.

Happy Fathers Day from Bump and I x šŸ™‚

This is a post for The Gallery and the theme this week is Dads.

First Bras 4 Mums Guest Post

I have done my first Bras 4 Mum’s guest post. You can find it here.

Hope you like it šŸ™‚

Week 17 and 18: Busy Bee!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. Bump and I have been quite busy with work and stuff. I spent most of the last week feeling quite tired again so blogging was not high on my list ofĀ prioritiesĀ unfortunately.Bump andĀ I spent two days in Aylesbury because of work last week and the driving really madeĀ us tired. On Saturday, Bump and I went to the Midlands Food Bloggers Meet Up at 99 Station Street and Staffordshire Fine Foods. We hadĀ a lovely day, meeting fellow foodies and trying some fantastic Bump friendly food.

Photo by Owen Sims

This weekend is just as busy. Today Bump andĀ IĀ are going to the Prepped cookbook launch with Vanessa Kimbell, who I did some recipe testing for in Northampton. I will be wearing a fantastic dress from Lush Mummy.Ā  Tomorrow, Bump andĀ I am making lots of cakes for a charity fashion at a local school and over the weekend, Bump, Stuart and I are going to London for the weekend. I am sure we will have a fantastic time. Bump and I will be back next week with tales and pictures of our adventures.

Hope you have a lovely weekend šŸ™‚

Silent Sunday 5th June 2011